Mentor Agreement
By submitting a class proposal, each Mentor of iFamily Leadership Academy agrees to the following:
As Lead Mentor, I will submit a completed Mentor Proposal Form to the Board of Directors by the due date stipulated.
Accept the decision made by the Board of Directors regarding the proposed class.
Read Chapter 2 and the chapters applicable to my Mom School from Parts ll and lll in Leadership Education: The Phases of Education. The entire book will prove valuable to the development of mentors and it is highly recommended.
Implement principles of A Thomas Jefferson Education in my class.
Promote the Vision and Mission of iFamily Leadership Academy.
Enforce the Standards of Moral Conduct.
Come each week prepared to be inspiring or, in the event I must be absent, provide a suitable substitute.
Agree to create an e-mail list (or other comparable form of communication) to communicate with the families in my class rather than using the iFamily Facebook group to share class information.
Maintain communication with students' families.
Keep students in my room for the entire class time unless I made previous arrangements with a parent.
Follow the refund policy as written in my Mentor Proposal.
Provide for the care of my own child(ren) while I mentor. Childcare is not the duty of iFamily Leadership Academy or its members. Trade agreements may be made by mentors and their students’ families to secure a safe place for your children as you teach classes. Children of mentors are not allowed to wander and are required to be under the care of an adult while the mentor is teaching.